Monday, December 13, 2010

Assignment for Students: Create a Voki for one of the characters of "A Christmas Carol"

This is my Voki which I used in class this week. See comments below.

1 comment:

  1. I posted the above Voki which I used in my literature class of 8th graders studying "A Christmas Carol." They all enjoyed the assignment, and I got some pretty interesting characters, particularly a convincing animae of Christmas Past and an Ebenezer Scrooge who looks a lot like the Father of Our Country. I thought it was a creative way to capture the characters as they saw them, and it also taught them how to use the Voki program. We also watched Jim Carrey's version of "A Christmas Carol" when we were done reading the story, and I thought it was interesting that their criticism of the animation of the movie was extremely insightful and not at all what you'd expect of "The Dumbest Generation."
